


📢 WemX Pro v1.6.0 is available

WemX version v1.6.0 is now available. This update mainly implements necessary functions required for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These are a set of European laws that protect your users and their data and are required to be present on every business operating in the European Union. This includes the ability for your users to download their data, delete their account and cookie notice.

It's important to remember that we are not legal experts and always advise you to do your own research in regards to the laws in your region and implement anything that might be missing or is not correct. If you create a page called with the path terms-and-conditions - a input field at registration and checkout will appear that the user must accept the terms and conditions for your website before registering or placing an order.

We have also added a brand new "news" page where you can create new articles just like this one. Users that already downloaded an update around this week already have this feature.

As always, updating is simple and easy. Please follow the documentation provided here:

What's new?

  • Added ability for users to export their data
  • Added ability for users to delete their account(s)
  • Made 2FA more secure
  • Added cookie notice
  • Added news articles
  • Fixed issues with external images not loading properly on the portal page
  • Fixed other minor bugs

Something important I would like to mention for users that are using proxies such as CloudFlare to refrain using the "IP Ban" feature as it's not working as intended due to proxies. We are working on resolving this next update.

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Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

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