


📢 WemX Pro (beta) v1.7.2 is available

This update (1.7.2) is a stable release following up after the beta release of 1.7.0.

We've decided to make resources open-source. This includes the default theme, admin theme, email and portal. This is particularly useful for developers that want to stay up to date with the latest file changes. You can fork the corresponding repository and keep up with the latest changes. The changes made to these open-source themes are in real time, so whenever we make changes to a dev release they will show up on Github. It's important that you don't accidently add future content that we are still working on to your custom resources.

We have added a brand new Tebex gateway. Tebex allows you to receive payments for an array of different payment methods, keep track of taxes and has a fast settlement time.
Tebex Docs

Starting today, is accepting payments using the Tebex gateway. This means you can pay using PayPal, Credit Card / Debit Card, IDEAL, and a lot of other payment options.

So What's new?

  • Added Tebex Checkout (Subscriptions & Single payments)
  • Made updating easier
  • All resources (theme, admin theme, emails and portal) are now open source
  • Fixed issue with error for guest on checkout
  • Includes other smaller bug fixes

We are currently working on some major updates that will be coming very soon.

Updating WemX

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Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?